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How Safe is Sedation Dentistry?

Dental phobia is a crippling fear that leads many people to avoid visiting the dentist for biannual check-ups or even serious oral health concerns. If you’ve experienced this anxiety, you’re not alone: Over 40 million Americans report a fear of the dentist. Skipping your twice-yearly check-ups isn’t the answer though, as it often leads to more complex dental problems. 

Fortunately, sedation dentistry can help!

We want our patients to be informed, relaxed, and comfortable during their appointments and procedures. Sedation dentistry can be used for a range of reasons, including minor teeth cleanings to more complicated dental treatments. It is pain free, allowing patients to feel calm as their dentist performs the needed treatment(s). In addition to patients with dental phobia, it may also be used for individuals who:

  • need multiple treatments during a single visit, lessening their trips to the dentist
  • have sensitive teeth
  • have a strong gag reflex
  • have had a traumatic past experience at the dentist

We offer two options of sedation dentistry to fit your individual needs.

Nitrous oxide, or laughing gas, is given through a small nasal mask during your appointment. It is ideal for patients who also have a fear of needles, as the administration requires no poking! During the procedure, you will be awake and aware of your surroundings, allowing you to communicate with your dentist as needed. The effects of nitrous oxide quickly wear off once the mask is removed.

Oral sedation is administered through a pill that is often taken at-home. Although you will be awake during the procedure, the pill will make you drowsy. Depending on the dosage, some patients may fall asleep in the chair but can be easily awakened. It’s important to note that patients who chose this option require transportation to and from the dentist office.

Both nitrous oxide and oral sedation are considered minimal to moderate sedation. You’ll be given a dose that is in line with your age, health, and regulations by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). 

At Maitland Ave Smile Co., we prioritize patient safety.

Our team works together throughout each procedure to limit the chance of unwanted side effects or complications. To further minimize risks, Dr. Miller, Dr. Solberg, or Dr. Williams always performs a pre-treatment evaluation and reviews every patient’s full medical history. Be prepared to share any details about past surgeries or in-office procedures as well as all current medications. You can always ask questions too! To further quell your nerves, find out how many procedures your dentist has done using sedation and what training they’ve completed.

Call us at 407.834.0330 to schedule your appointment today! Check out our Dental Blog to learn more about topics like restorative dentistry, wisdom teeth, and teeth whitening.