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Tips for Enjoying Holiday Treats Without Tooth Trouble

Halloween kicks off a long stretch of non-stop treats. From trick-or-treating candy and Thanksgiving pie to Christmas cookies and everything in between, it’s hard to avoid the sweet side of the holidays. Fortunately, you can indulge in the treats without tooth trouble!

In today’s blog post, let’s look at five tips for enjoying holiday treats while also maintaining your oral health. 

1. Brush your teeth more often.

When possible, aim to brush your teeth about 30 minutes after you finish eating. If you do it too soon, you may end up brushing your natural acids around and causing tooth erosion. If you’re at a party or event without a toothbrush and toothpaste, swish your mouth with water and/or chew sugar-free gum. 

2. Eat a balanced diet.

To balance out the sweet side of the holidays, pay closer attention to your diet outside of the extra treat. Look for foods that don’t stick to your teeth — and remember: Even crackers and bread become sticky after being chewed! Be sure to drink enough water too. 

It’s also important to take breaks rather than snacking all day long. Your body needs a chance to digest each meal or snack. If you need a distraction, take a walk or grab a book. If you’re at a gathering, challenge yourself to say hello to someone new before filling your plate again.

3. Pay attention to added sugar.

Consuming too many treats with added sugar leads to tooth decay. Holiday-themed doughnuts, eggnog, and candy canes — not to mention all of the baked goods! — are favorites this time of year. Watch out for hard and/or sticky foods too. Things like taffy and candied nuts can break your teeth, crowns, fillings, or dentures. It would be impossible to avoid them completely, but do your best to consume them mindfully.

4. Think about your daily beverages too!

It’s easy to forget that holiday drinks — like peppermint mochas, apple cider, and mistletoe margaritas — also influence your oral health. Sugary and acidic beverages can lead to tooth decay, cavities, and erosion. You can still enjoy these drinks in moderation; just be sure to hydrate with water too. 

5. Choose your holiday treats wisely.

Not all sweet treats are created equally when it comes to your teeth and gums. Dark chocolate, for example, satisfies your cravings and also contains compounds that may even improve your oral health. It won’t stick to your teeth like gooey candies or cookies with sticky fillings either. The same idea holds true for Thanksgiving pies: Depending on how it’s made, pumpkin or sweet potato pie can actually be healthy. 

Just remember: It’s okay to enjoy holiday treats in moderation. 

To keep your cravings in check, pick a specific time of day to indulge — say, after lunch or before bedtime — and enjoy the sweet side of the holidays!


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